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Human Centered Delusions Persecution Doctrine Fracture Mechanics The Art of Avoiding Capture  Quantum NonIntellegence Esoterrorism Corporate Camofaluge Aspidomancy SubPhysical Exegesis Post-Masonic AntiIdentity Theoretical Acoustics 

Buy This Book for a Better Life (2021)
Graphic exposé exploring Communication Design & Manipulation in the cult of Scientology.
A collection of type & imagery published in secret early church documents.
-(62 pages Text & Image, Printed on Creme Stock)


℗ Human Centered Delusions Persecution Doctrine Fracture Mechanics The art of Avoiding Capture  Quantum NonIntellegence Esoterrorism Corporate Camofaluge  Aspidomancy SubPhysical Exegesis Post-Masonic AntiIdentity  Theoretical Acoustics